Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25, 2012  It's been awhile since I have posted on our blog. This is something new for me.
Susan and I had a great time at the Navigator Headquarters in Colorado Springs going through the
"Personal Contribution Assessment" Seminar with the People Resource Team of The Navigators.
We took a Myers-Briggs personal preference Inventory, Personal Values Assessment, Spiritual Gifts Indicator and a Primary Roles Indicator.
In the preference inventory, Susan and I are similar in that we both see life through facts and are organized.
We are different in that Susan gains energy by being alone and reflection while I gain energy by being with
people. We are also different in that Susan is strong in Thinking, analyzing all input toward logical consequences while I am more Feeling oriented, sensitive to the impact a decision can have on people.
I always was amazed at how well Susan understood the ministry we were involved in. It's because of her
strength of thinking which has  been so helpful for me. One thing I didn't understand was her need for solitude. As a result I overwhelmed her with to many people and often. This time in Colorado helped me see this more clearly.

I can't go into all the results of the other Assessments but I can say that we are beginning to gain some insight on what the Lord's direction might hold for us. It seems that He will be leading us into New opportunities and New relationships as we go forward. We have no idea what those are or who they are but something New.
More on that as it unfolds.    


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12th, 2012
We had a great Labor Day Weekend with our whole family at Table Rock Lake in Branson. It's a great opportunity for our families from KC, Wichita and St Louis to be together in one setting. The grandkids really love it!
We are now in the Reflecting and Assessment months of our Sabbatical. Last week Susan and I completed Personality, Gifts, Roles and Values assessments. This week we are at The Navigators Headquarters for our Personal Contribution Assessment Seminar with the People Resource Team of The Navs who help us understand the implications of our Personality traits. One example is ,"Where do we prefer to focus our attention for inner energy?"  I'm an extravert so I focus on the outer world and people and things to be energized while Susan is an introvert and focuses  on the inner world of thoughts and ideas for inner energy.
As a result I am always pushing out for new ministry possibilities whhile Susan wants to develop, in a deeper way, the relationships we already have. We still learning how to find balance in this area.

Please pray for us to be able to continue to grow in our understanding of how God has designed us.
